Cafe update

Thank-you for the help, offers of support and donations of equipment for the cafe.

Noeth Lodge Park Tea Rooms - day 1Today the team worked like billy-o: the inside was given a bright new look; the kitchen area thoroughly cleaned and painted; the outside rubbed down, filled, repaired, primed and undercoated.

There are too many names to thank individually – you know who you are so THANKS.  And they say you can never find a plumber when you need one – it’s not true Dwaine ( heard via the facebook grapevine what we were doing and gave us half a day of his valuable time.

Tom Fitzpatrick from NNDC came to offer his support and pose for the photograph when the EDP team came (they didn’t do any painting).

We made lots of new friends and are well on target to open on Friday.

We still need help to get ready so if you have time do come down to the cafe on Sunday or Monday; and we still need lots of equipment for the cafe so please keep thinking about what you have spare.

Hope to see you soon

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