Developing the ideas which were well received at our March AGM, the landscape architects we are working with, AREA, have focused on the Upper Lawn. They have produced a practical plan for bringing the area into the rest of the Park with play elements – a ‘playful connection’- linking the Upper Lawn with the main area of the Park. This neatly provides a much-needed new bridge, providing play facilities, and brings the park together.
You are invited to join us in the Community Hall on Wednesday 17th October at 7.30pm to see the proposals and discuss the ideas with AREA. All being well with the design and funding, we would aim to implement the proposals next year.
This a major, positive step in what can sometimes feel a slow journey to develop the Park as people in Cromer have requested. We are pleased to have the support of North Norfolk District Council, and are proud of the proposals from AREA.
The proposals are built around a ramped crossing over the sunken path which will create step-free access between the heart of the park and the Upper Lawn, the ‘zig-zag’ design, inspired by the zig-zap slopes of Cromer, allows for seating and creation of a splendid new viewing platform out to sea as well as opportunities for play.
Our new ‘playful connection’ PlayBridge will not just replace the increasingly dilapidated, inaccessible footbridge with step-free access but also create an exciting, stylish new landmark focal point.
Please come along to this open meeting to see the proposals and the launch of this exciting project.