We completed the analysis of what you said in the survey – all 747 responses – and presented the findings with 10 recommendations to Cromer Town Council on 30th April – you can read the full report on the website northlodgepark.org.uk.
There will be an open meeting on THURSDAY 14th MAY at 7pm in Cromer Community Hall where we will present the report to you, and we can discuss the recommendations and develop some actions.
Please come to listen and help.
In summary the 10 recommendations are:
- the Park should be managed as a TRUST for the community
- a set of PRINCIPLES should be used to guide decisions made about the Park
- the BUDGET for the Park must be sufficient to stop further deterioration
- the CAFE should be opened as soon as possible
- the potential of the CONCRETE AREA should be explored as soon as possible
- all developments should be considered within a 5 and 10 year PLAN
- specific areas of the Park should be TIDIED and REPLANTED
- ACTIVITIES should commence as soon as possible
- PUTTING should be reintroduced
- movement and parking of CARS should be controlled
Full details of these recommendations are in the report.
While we wait for the transfer to actually happen, and for Cromer Town Council to respond to our recommendations, life in the Park is at full speed and things need to be done. There are a number of things already going on and more are planned:
- we prepared a specification for the cafe which was agreed at last week’s meeting with the Town Council, and if all goes well the cafe should be open this summer
- we prepared a specification for the maintenance of the Park which will go to tender this summer and if all goes well should start in the autumn
- we have agreement to put up speed limit signs (5mph) and to develop proposals for improving management of vehicles in the Park
- we have agreement to look into the feasibility of managing the Park under some form of community trust
There are lots of things on our ‘to do’ list – don’t hold back if you’d like to help with any of these
- the ugly concrete area and run-down bandstand need to be improved – its the focal point on the main entrance – do you have some positive ideas and some energy to develop this area with us if the Council think it is possible for the Friends to make use of this building?
- there are many areas in the Park which have been neglected for too long – do you have expertise and time to help us plan and then develop these in the short term? Can the Friends add value within the maintenance tender by managing specific areas of the Park?
- to bring some life into the Park this summer we’d like events to be run – if you have ideas please let us know – bring them to the meeting on 14th May
- putting is high on your list of activities to restart in the Park – do you want to help with this – let us know; we could start straight away by organising a competition weekend – would you interested in organising this?
- there needs to be a set of ‘rules and regulations’ to help manage the Park – based on the proposed principles we need to develop some working guidelines; we don’t want rules to be overly restrictive – the Park is for all the community – we want rules to encourage community engagement and consideration for others – what do you think? We need your help to develop some working guidelines.
We expect the meeting on 14th May to focus on the proposed actions and ideas – guided by the proposed principles and priorities highlighted in the report. Please come along with your ideas and energy to work with us to develop some short term plans for North Lodge Park.
Look forward to seeing you soon
Barry Meadows
Secretary, Friends of North Lodge Park