It seems that baking cakes has become a very popular lock-down activity with supermarket shelves quickly stripped of flour and icing sugar which made us wonder how many of you have been baking from our Cook Book?
One of our youngest fans has been in touch – Freddie from Harlow in Essex who was bought a copy of Will you Marry Me by his visiting Grandma, Liz, for his 14th birthday last September. She says that he has always loved helping her with baking but our Cook Book has really fired his interest because it’s so easy to use and has lovely tempting photos!

And Freddie has enjoyed some immediate success too as his first attempt at a Coconut and Raspberry Cake resulted in him gaining the highest marks at school in his Food Technology pre-GCSE course. He says he has cooked several more since being locked-in – another Jam and Coconut sponge for his other grandparents and a Chocolate and Orange Drizzle birthday surprise for his mum plus gluten free Raspberry Bakewell and Lime and Blueberry Drizzle for a very grateful Uncle who usually misses out on sweet treats with his allergy. Now he says he is planning to cook something that he really fancies trying – giant Sausage Rolls!
Shops might be shut but our Cook Book is easily obtained on-line so if you haven’t got a copy yet we still have a few left. A lovely gift for idle hands during this enforced home staycation!