Vehicles in North Lodge Park

To: Cromer Town Councillors
Copy: Julie Chance, John Rest, Hilary Cox, John Lee


The number and speed of vehicles in North Lodge park continues to be a major concern and risk to the public.

We understand that Cromer Town Council are considering investing in bollards in North Lodge Park at the edge of the land in front of North Lodge, to stop unauthorised parking.

The Friends of North Lodge Park expressed concerns about the proposals to the Policy and Resources Committee before their last meeting. Although our concerns were considered, unfortunately it seems the proposal has moved forward to the next stage.

It is our view that bollards in the Park at the edge of the area in front of North Lodge (where it is proposed to place them) will not reduce the number of vehicles in the Park, nor reduce the speed of vehicles. In addition, it will have the effect of increasing the number of vehicles turning round in the road by the boating lake and move the issue of unauthorised parking to elsewhere in the Park, both of which will cause extra risk to children playing.

The Policy and Resources Committee’s stated priority is the “safety of staff and tenants”. No mention of public safety and the increased risk to the public, including children playing in the Park, has been mentioned in the minutes.

Clearly, as the only beneficiaries of such bollards would be the tenants of North Lodge, funding of any work on such a project – including any preparatory work should be funded by the tenants and not with public money. Feedback we have received from tenants of North Lodge suggests no support for the proposal – in fact the complete opposite – so this funding is unlikely to be forthcoming.

We are very pleased to see that the Policy and Resources Committee agreed to open a dialogue with NNDC to develop a better solution to stop the bigger problem of too many vehicles driving too quickly and fully support this.

Again, we request that you do not further invest time and public money in any short term plan to install bollards, and wait until longer term plans are agreed.

Barry Meadows
Secretary, Friends of North Lodge Park

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